I am a pretty lucky girl – I have TWO incredible photographers {nearly} at my disposal…they are two of my closest cousin friends and are both *blow your socks off* amazing. In both life and photography. I’m not just biased, though of course I love them, but they are seriously THAT good! My cousin, Laura – of Laura Taylor Photography – specializes in newborn photography. Her photos will make your heart melt. every. single. time. And my cousin, Radelle –…
A Christmas of Memories {The Projects – Special Album} #makingmemories
Trying to balance my Christmas projects was a wee bit tricky, but because I had a timing deadline for this due to shipping time, this one had to take some priority. Our family albums are getting so old that they are falling apart, photos are sticking to the non-acid free pages {gasp}, and some photos aren’t in perfectly chronological order – though everything is dated. phew. So, knowing that my mom really doesn’t NEED anything, or honestly even WANT anything…
*Mom, can you PLEASE get these for me? They are just my size* Jonah, Age 5 He didn’t get them. 🙁 #blamehisdad In truth, Brent was right – they are something that would have ended up broken within a few days. That being said, we all know if Brent hadn’t been with us I’d have totally caved. He was just SO cute in them!…
It’s been TWO and a half years since our fabulous Disneyland trip {I should really blog about that} and there is something I’ve been dying to do since then. We went with some friends of ours from California, whom we’d never met. Yep. I met my friend Lindsey {Evie’s mom} online and over the years we’ve become incredibly close. Like sisters, if you will. And this trip, although gutsy, just seemed like the perfect opportunity to meet. Drive to their…
I first discovered Jill-e Designs last Fall while doing some computer work {ie google searches, blog reading, online shopping, etc.} and was thrilled when they contacted me in March to do a review. I mean, I do have a fabulous camera bag, but the truth is there are SO many awesome options out there – I want to check them all out.…
What’s the best way to ensure we don’t forget all the great moments we have in our lives? Photos, of course! I love photos – I love taking them, I love having them, and I LOOOOOVE looking through them again {and again}. And with the fabulous digital technology we have so many more opportunities for quality photos {no more fuzzy or discoloured photos discovered AFTER being developed}. On the other hand, how many of us actually DEVELOP our photos now?…