As discussed several times before, Brent {aka The Captain} and I have been married for 10 years. Happily married for 10 years. What’s our secret?
Honestly, I think we lucked out.
Now of course there is an element of effort to successful marriages, though neither of us has felt like it was *work* to stay together…neither has it been *work* to stay in love. But I say we lucked out because I truly believe we did. We have. At any moment over the past 10 years, either one of us could have changed our priorities….our goals….our methods…and our commitment, in ways that could jeopardize our relationship and ultimately our family unit.
But we haven’t.

Photo c/o the fabulously talented Eternal Reflections Photography, 2010
When we were dating Brent was working with plans of going to school. He wanted children {I wanted 8, we felt like 6 would be a great number for us}, and he wanted to be the main provider for the family. He was easy to be with and talk to, and could make me laugh. Still does. He’s a hard worker and is incredibly loyal, and is incredibly generous.

Taken at the Barcelo Maya Beach, 2011 *Not Brent’s best photo, but I like how I look in it lol*
We were no different than any other young couple getting married. We were crazy in love and on the same page. Committed to making each others lives easier, happier, and just plain ol’ more fun! We had goals and plans and too many dreams to count. And it was important to us that the other achieve and accomplish all that they set out to.
But all that could have changed. Right?
Noone ever REAAAAALLY knows what someone is like…honestly, even 10 years later I am still learning things about him. But we are lucky. 10 years and we are still crazy in love…still on the same page {most of the time….of course there are always some differences}. And we are both committed to making each others lives easier, happier, and just plain ol’ more fun. This guy can drive me CARAZY…but he sure makes me happy and man, can he make me laugh!
Well I think that pretty much sums it up. Think about it – does anything else make as much sense?
Bottom line is, I’m lucky enough to have married a guy who lives this. We aren’t without our *bumps in the road*, just like any other couple, but our commitment to each other and our family is strong. When I think of dating and the butterflies and fun, I want to date him. When I see all the fun wedding ideas on Pinterest I can’t help but think how fun it would be to get married again. But I want to marry HIM again. When I think of snuggling on the couch to watch a movie or hockey game {we love hockey}, it’s him I want beside me.

*Another photo of a photo by Paul McGrath Photography, 2002*
I want to hold his hand while we walk down the street, go on holidays, spend my days, and make more memories with HIM. With our family. 10 years later and I’d still choose him. I think that’s pretty special.
Actually, I think that’s pretty lucky.
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