0 In Made to Holiday/ Personal/ VACAY!!

4am Travelling Isn’t My Jam #palmtoforehead #makesmelaugh #theseareyourdays #santabarbara #yearofme

My instagram post during my day of travel to Santa Barbara:

4am travel these are your days applause santa barbara yyc year of me made to holiday

4am travelling is clearly not my jam:

Shuttle driver asks what airline I’m flying 

Kiosk won’t read my passport 🙄

Typing error makes for a flight not found 

Goes to wrong line 

Drops passport 

Half trips over suitcase trying to pull luggage and turn phone off at the same time 

Buuuut I made it to my gate and now I wait! Also, I realize I look freakishly alien like but dude, 4am and just 2 hours of sleep *zz*

**Also, to add insult to injury, I banged my head on the overhead luggage getting off the place in Santa Barbara. Ha! You know the plane is tiny when….**

But it was all worth it to arrive to these:

palm trees santa barbara municipal airport these are your days made to holiday year of me

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