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It’s a Jord Wood Watches Coupon Code!!!! #jordwatch #wearJORD #BeYou #thesearethedays

Because it’s a real bummer if you missed out on the Black Friday discounts, and because Jord is seriously awesome, they are offering my fabulous readers {that’s you} 10% off any purchases made between now and December 31st. After which, the discount will decrease to 5%, which is still awesome but not quite as awesome as the full 10!

Seriously it’s the perfect gift for your significant other (male or female), parents, friends, etc. These watches are so beautiful!!!

Jord Wood Watches Wear Jord These are the days cute like me christmas gifts gifts for men

Dark Sandalwood and Blue Carbon Delmar Series {$149} and the Purpleheart and Plum Frankie Series {$179}

Follow the link HERE to receive your special code!

Also worthwhile to note is the FREE international shipping!

Happy Wednesday!

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