I don’t spend hours on Pinterest like I did in the beginning. Part of that is I have gotten busier and therefore made less time for it, and part of it is shifting my focus from PINNING, to DOING.
My pinterest is filled with Cute Kids Stuff, Food I Love, Inspiration, Things That Make Me Laugh, and more…so much more. I love looking through each album to get new ideas or remember something that has helped me….but the one that keeps me coming back for more. The one I come to Pinterest specifically for, that my biggest dreams are built on:
I love getaways, big and small. Day trips to Waterton, Calgary, or even just a few hours spent at the Birds of Prey center, outdoor pool, or in our backyard. Weekend camping trips or a few days visiting friends and family. And of course, the weeks we spend at the condo in Whitefish {2 separate weeks a year}, or the 3 weeks the kids and I spent in California with my cousin and her son {since then she’s gone from 1 to 4 kids! awesome}, the trip Brent and I took to the Mayan Riviera with some great friends {sans kids}…and of course, the upcoming family trip to Puerto Vallarta – all of these facilitate the memories that are most important to me. The ones I’ll remember, the photos we’ll cherish and love looking through for years to come.

Burgundy Street – Madrid, Spain
And of course – the places I dream of going, the cultures I am ever so hopeful to give our kids the opportunity to experience. The ones I just keep pinning.
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