21 In Giveaways and Reviews/ Just for Fun/ Personal

Scrabble Tile Necklaces {UP TO TWELVE WINNERS}

Are you as excited as I am? I know I’ve been teasing my facebook fans for a couple of days – and the time has finally come! I have been spending a ton of time reorganizing the rooms in our house – first order of business was the craft room {or *crap room* as my husband calls it} and you should really be glad I did.

I have reconsidered a ton of small treasures taking up space in my home, and because I’m itching to have a place for everything AND move along anything that isn’t useful, I’ve decided to use some for giveaways {this is where you thank me lol}.  Up first – Scrabble Tile Necklaces:

These scrabble tile necklaces were originally made by Etsy seller Sweet Blue August – and I would love to give her full props but I see her etsy shop is no longer open {sad face}. But if you want to purchase your own, there are several other Etsy shops that make them as well 🙂

I have 12 to give away – one for every 50 entries {this means, to increase your chances of winning, you need to help spread the word}. While this will mainly be a *you get what you get* sort of giveaway, there is an entry where you get to tell me your personal preference from the list below {I will try to accomodate}.

*Pink Gerbera Daisy


*Lime Green Dahlia {or similar looking flower}

*Black & White Cloudy Sky



*Ballet Point Shoes

*Piano Keys

*Pink VW Bug

*Pink Rose

*Surfer {riding wave}

*Pink Lotus Flower {ish lol}


And the super easy entries to win!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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