The Barcelo Resort in the Mayan Riviera isn’t just one hotel, it’s an incredible complex with 5 different resorts – Maya Beach, Maya Caribe, Maya Colonial, Maya Tropical, and the Maya Palace Deluxe. We were staying in the Maya Beach, the *lesser*, if you will, of the 5 – and it was SPECTACULAR. But we had to take some time and walk down the beach to check out each of the others.
Once again, we couldn’t help but think how much our kids would LOVE this place and how much we look forward to taking them there. Staying at the Maya Beach allows you the ability to use the facilities (except the food and drinks) of the other resorts (except the Palace Deluxe), which will come in handy when we take the kids. The Maya Beach had plenty for our kids to enjoy, but the Maya Colonial kid pool was amazing. Check it out:
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