1 In A Date A Day/ Just for Fun/ Personal

A Date With My Boy {Eep…my FIVE year old!} #makingmemories

September was a bit of a crazy month, as you may remember. And between school starting, watching other kids, the regular busy-ness, and starting work I know Jonah has been starting to feel a little bit *tossed around*. From one place to the next, without much down time…so when I finally had a day off without ANYTHING else going on, I set a date for him and I.

Ah, the magic of making memories

He was pretty excited for a jelly filled doughnut so off to Tim Horton’s we went {one of my kids’ fave places}.

Well imagine his excitement when he saw the iced AND sprinkled jelly filled one – it was love at first sight!

And he definitely took the eating business very seriously:

He’s ready!

Even more delicious than it looks

Gotta have sprinkles

                                       My treat                                             {a little too sweet but delicious all the same}

And here’s the thing….this *date* took all of 20 minutes. But it was 20 minutes of uninterrupted, purely focused on Jonah time. Where we got to BE together. And in a week where I was working 4 days {where I normally only work 2}, it was a must. A need. And while we know we love each other and being together, right then….on that date….we both got to FEEL it. #perfection

Because the best part about a date is sharing it

We couldn’t leave our date without bringing something home for Brent and Brooklyn too…


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