0 In Personal/ Sewing

Pyjama Time #sewing #makingmemories

As mentioned I am in a sewing frenzy – I have SO many sewing projects to complete before Christmas {plus a scad of other things}. I’m curious to see how I’m going to pull it off.

So today I whipped up {I love saying that lol} two more pairs of pyjama pants for the kids – really so I could get them out of the way and move onto the other *must have* projects. As in, the ones that will be given as gifts for Christmas to the kids.

Jonah got a car pair – he was hoping for Lightening McQueen but our local fabric store didn’t have any flannel of it 🙁 {Fun fact: Jonah INSISTS it’s called *Lightning AND the Queen* haha}. Anyways – these cars were an adequate replacement:

A butt shot – he wouldn’t turn around at first lol

Ooo a side view lol

Now he’s getting silly

Ha – I told him to be a Ninja

And Brooklyn’s {I love the pattern mixing}:

Cute pose

Clearly devoted….modeling is hard work. haha

and of course, fun with details {I attached the first bow to the inside instead of the outside…so I improvised}:

My error turned into double bows…inside and outside!

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