1 In Just for Fun/ Personal

The Library *A Date With My Girl Part I*

Today brought a unique opportunity for me to be able to spend time with JUST Brooklyn. Since she’s in school full time and of course we have Jonah too, it’s not something that happens very often so I wanted to make sure to maximize on the opportunity. We dropped Jonah off at preschool and set out to do a few errands (bank, clothing donation, and dropping stuff to the second hand store for hopeful buy out….just in case you’re wondering)…then it was time for US!

While driving Brooklyn asked if we could go to the library –  I love when I’m able to accommodate those requests so off we went. First we checked out the fish and the train (both a tradition), then spent a few minutes playing some games on the computer, and then set off to look at the books and DVD’s. I was also able to get a couple of books to help me plan her upcoming party (so excited) so all around the trip was a success.


Though we didn’t spend too long there, it was a really fun thing to do and something we don’t do nearly enough. AND, aside from the $2.40 late fees on her library card *story of my life*, it was a FREE outing. LOVE those!


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