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Be A Yes Mom

0 In Be A Yes Mom/ Personal

A Snail Named Georgie

Well, we finally got a lake day in. I love spending the afternoon watching the them kayak around. I mentioned them on Instagram as well, but if you haven’t purchased these kids kayaks from Costco yet, they are a must for next summer! Seriously, even your little 3 year olds can maneuver them! Major win with this purchase! As I was loading our stuff into the vehicle, Jonah was sitting at the shore just playing in the water. And of…

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0 In Be A Yes Mom/ Personal

The Magic of Trying to #beayesmom ~ #theseareyourdays

It’s not the first time I’ve talked about this great piece of parenting advice I heard years ago, and it likely isn’t the last. It’s amazing the opportunities that present themselves, yes of course, usually during the times you are the most tired and worn out…but that’s also when the magic happens. Case in point: My weeding day. Do you remember these photos from my Instagram? Let’s just first take a minute to consider not only the transformation, but how…

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