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Flawless Days

0 In Flawless Days

Sign Me Up For The Selfie Revolution

In a time when self image seems to be at an all time low, seeing someone post selfies makes me happy. Let’s face it, people rarely post photos of themselves they don’t like so  it feels like they are saying *hey, I like how I look in this* – which to me is pure gold.  I’m such a huge fan of the selfie revolution and not just because I’m a selfie nut, an addict if you will. Ha! I really do love…

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0 In Flawless Days/ Personal/ Yes Days

Ten Blessings From 2017

I’ve made no secret that 2017 was an incredibly difficult year for me and while I completely believe in being open about our struggles too, and will continue to be, I’m also a huge believer that gratitude and putting forth an energy of positivity is the real secret to happiness. So I’d like to take a minute and reflect on the past year with this in mind and bring you 10 blessings I received/experienced in 2017 {in no particulary order}:…

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0 In Flawless Days/ Yes Days

The truth is, I don’t care if you buy makeup from me

What I do care about is that you feel good about yourself, that you feel comfortable in your own skin, and that you find a way to love your face (and self 😉) a little more every day. And what I know is that being a part of Younique has done exactly that for me over the past year. Because it’s not just about amazing products:     It has strengthened my personal confidence, my self worth, and intensified my…

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