Well folks, the time has come. The Squealy truck has met its maker….gone to the heavens with other death trap vehicles.
A few weeks ago, while at McDonald’s with a friend so our kids could run crazy in the germ-infested play place, Brent came running in on his lunch break saying the brakes seized on the truck.
He’s so lucky it didn’t do that while I was driving.

He took my vehicle {my friend has room for all of us}, and our day continued. Later that day, when he came home from work, we had this conversation:
Me: So, is the truck pooched?
Brent: Yeah, pretty much.
Me: Okay, so then what are our options?
{I don’t stress about many things but I was in this moment, getting stressed…We aren’t in the position to just go out and buy a new vehicle {even new to us} without some planning…and with me working, and the kids being driven to school, etc. we really need two vehicles}.
Brent: I already have one.
Me: What?
Brent: I have a truck
{I’m so confused and wondering how the heck he’s swinging this}
Brent: W {a coworker of his} GAVE me his truck.
Me: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! He what??? Oh my word, seriously? I could cry…*cue happy, super-grateful tears* and the typical hand fanning to try and make it stop….
Brent: I know!
Now, not only did W give us his truck…he didn’t even miss a beat with it. Within milliseconds of Brent mentioning to his coworkers that the squealy truck was done-for, he offered it. He could have said nothing…he could have offered to let us borrow it even…but no, he GAVE it to us.
He also suggested we could sell the topper for $$$ – which makes us laugh. IF we were going to sell the topper {which we have no intentions of doing}, it would be to give the $$$ to HIM. He also offered to LEND Brent $1 to pay him for the truck with. Um, haha….we can use our own – we can, in fact, scrounge up $1! Sure we might have to eat rice and beans for the next month or two, but we can make it work 😉
I mean seriously, who does that?
We are so incredibly grateful and this is such an absolutely huge blessing….and the timing is simply amazing. And while this definitely benefits me and our family {extended cab too, so we don’t have to switch vehicles anymore on the days I work so he can take the kids to school!} – the truth is, I am so thrilled to see Brent be the recipient of such an awesome gesture of kindness and generosity. Brent is constantly helping others {W included} – anyone who knows him, knows this about him. His spare time is almost always used to benefit and help someone else. He is the man who doesn’t just shovel our sidewalk, but at least halfway down our street. The man who helps friends roof, fix their vehicles, fix clogged sinks, or wrecked dishwashers, furnaces, etc…mows their lawn, helps pour concrete, shovel gravel, and more. Not to mention how helpful he is around the house and yard, and with the kids. And he is always HAPPY to do it. In fact, it’s one of those things in life that makes him tick. He’s also the kind of guy, who given a similar situation, would think nothing of passing on a vehicle to someone in need. It’s just who he is.
And Karma has come back to him in an INCREDIBLE way. And I love it.
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