I only mentioned doing a Julep review over a month ago, and now I am FINALLY getting around to it. December was filled with some pretty major projects, so {as I’m sure you are well aware} the blog took a back seat.
But now I’m back and ready to pass along a few awesome reviews.
Namely, Julep.
I originally signed up for Julep shortly before our Whitefish trip last Easter, and couldn’t wait to check it out. Honestly, I didn’t even really know what to expect and was surprised when I picked it up that it wasn’t like all the other similar companies, with a box filled with random samples. But rather, a box with a few full-size JULEP products.
Julep is a bit pricier than some of the others out there, at $20 a month. BUT, again, you are receiving full size products and if you are a die-hard Julep fan and/or would have purchased the items at regular price, it would come to considerably more than that, PLUS shipping.
First you take an online quiz to see what kind of Julep Maven you are: It Girl, Bombshell, Boho Glam, Classic with a Twist, or American Beauty {that’s me}. Then, you are matched with that box each month, always with the option to try something new instead if you want.
Each box contains two Julep nailpolish colours and one other special Julep product. It’s these products that have me singing Julep praises.
But first, the nailpolish.

Portia ~ I loved it because of the name {hello, Portia De Rossi} but honestly it doesn’t show up at all on it’s own. 🙁
I mean, how many does a girl need? 15 years ago, I’d have been all over it. I had SO many nailpolishes, but now I have narrowed my collection down to about 5 go-to colours {okay fine, 10}. I am always happy to add 1 or 2 more, but each month could get a little excessive. Particularly because, for me, the nailpolish colours didn’t work. I should really try a different maven box sometime to see if that makes the difference {you can see what the colours are before they come}. The colours I received don’t really seem to suit me. A couple were matte {not a good look for me}, and a couple didn’t give great coverage {I like a full coverage sparkle}, and some were just odd colours {white for example}. lol

Stefani ~ Easily my favorite Julep polish so far!
Of the 4 boxes I have received {2 intentional, 2 because I didn’t skip the month in time}, there are about 2 nailpolishes I like. So, for me, that’s a disappointment, though I am committing to really giving them an honest trial. 🙂
However, the *other* products I LOVE. A facial for hands {hand scrub}, Acetone-Free Nail polish remover pump, one I can’t remember {oh how that bugs me}, and arguably the prettiest mascara bottle I have EVER seen.

LOVE this product!
The Facial for hands is a great way to give your hands a boost. Especially for me, here in dry and cold Alberta, it’s nice to help them out a bit…get rid of some of the icky excess, and start fresh. This is a product I wouldn’t mind keeping in my collection.

They read my mind when they sent this beauty!
The Acetone-Free nail polish remover pump – this was box 3 and I was SO glad I had missed skipping the month. I have wanted a pump like this for a while, and haven’t ever bought one. I love it, and every time I’m removing my nailpolish I smile. #itsthelittlethings

I don’t know if this photo gives the full impact, because this is one beautiful mascara!
And the mascara. I seriously oo’d and aaah’d when I pulled it from the box. In fact, Brent even agreed it was a really nice bottle. I almost don’t want to use it. But I will. If for no other reason than to see if the product lives up to the bottle that holds it. lol I am SUPER picky about my mascara, and strangely only seem to like the inexpensive drug store kind, so a review on this one is coming for sure!
I know a few women online who LIVE for their monthly Julep delivery. And it’s possible I need to give some of the nailpolish colours more of a chance {I’ll try}. My biggest complaint is that in order to cancel for good you have to phone, no doubt, so they can try and convince you otherwise. I like skipping months online, and don’t completely mind if I miss…it’s fun to have one {or two} waiting when we go to the condo. But all in all, I would like to be able to cancel online – aaaand then they should mail me a coupon code to try and get me back! 😉
Also, Oprah is a HUGE fan and even included them in her 2012 Favorite Things, handpicking 12 colours for an Oprah Exclusive nailpolish collection set.

Not gonna lie – LOVING these colours {naturally the brighter colours attract me the most}
Have you tried Julep? I think it would be a fun thing to gift someone – whether just one box or a year subscription {pricier option}. And what a great way to try out some products without having to pay full price right away.
I’m also looking forward to trying other, similar companies to see what they offer as well. I love this idea – sample boxes. Makes me smile.
I think I’ll go paint my toenails.