1 In Just for Fun/ Personal/ VACAY!!

18 Summers {And Why I’m Making The Most Of It}

I start anticipating the last day of school, on the first day of school. While I don’t mind having some routine and certainly enjoy some of the quiet times, I love the summer months of freedom….having both kids home all day, every day and the option of doing WHATEVER we want, WHENEVER we want to. Being in Canada means of our 8 weeks of summer holidays, usually only about 4-5 of them are actually SUMMER weather. So we need to pack the activities in while we can. And we do, and have a lot of fun doing it.

But now I feel like there’s an even bigger reason to, something that I hadn’t really thought of before but hasn’t left me.

Tammi over at My Organized Chaos was recently at a Blog Conference in Walt Disney World #DisneySMmoms and as she tweeted the following from one of the speakers, my heart skipped a beat:

My daughter is already almost 8…I *might* only have 10 summers left with her??? And I mean, let’s be honest – that’s really pushing it….we were all teenagers once – summers quickly become about friends and get-togethers, and anything that doesn’t involve parents. I may have to sit down for this…

I feel blessed that we have the opportunity to share a condo {Whitefish} with my inlaws for 2 separate weeks of every year – trips that I don’t foresee our kids ever wanting to miss. So, phew, at least 2 weeks of every year I’ll still get them. lol Brent and I have also talked for years about making little getaways and holidays a regular part of our lives to help facilitate time together {without the distractions of home} and build our relationships with each other…and we really try to work them in, so those times I can also *hopefully* rely on.

But what about all the time in between? What about the every day?

I want to make the most of it…every day. You may have noticed I’ve been posting here and on my facebook page more and more things that we do together. Talking a lot about making memories. It’s simple really,

I want to make them. And I want to inspire you, my awesome readers to do the same.

Every day I want to know that I’ve done something to create lasting memories for our children as well as me and Brent. Whether it’s a craft or fun activity, pushing them on the swing, visiting a new park, playing at the beach or with friends, reading a book, making cookies or milkshakes or popcorn, etc. I want to MAKE the time to BE together….to enjoy the time and create moments worth remembering.

Especially now that summer is upon us, and if I only have 10 or so left #makesmyhearthurt …I want to make the  most of the time we have. And especially make the most of the heat when we get it, which means – LOTS of beach days! Because the truth is, I LOVE being with my kids and I adore their personalities and have a blast with them. I’m also going to be taking photos every day so that one day, when simply remembering isn’t enough, we can look through them and while reminiscing on old memories, create news one too.

Memories are everywhere, just waiting to be found and created. I want my kids to know that  I want more than just *18 Summers* – but if that’s all I’m going to get, I’m sure as heck going to make the most of it.

What kind of things are you doing this summer – during one of your 18? {And does that thought give you heart palpitations like it does me?}

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