4 In Giveaways and Reviews/ In the Shop/ Just for Fun

My Easy {and Cheap} Valentine’s Day Craft

I’m celebrating Valentine’s Day all week {to justify this post being late lol} and am so excited about this little craft!

About a week ago this scrapbook paper caught my eye on the way out of the aisle at the dollar store.

I knew immediately what I wanted to do with it, so off I went to the aisle with the picture frames. I don’t often impulse buy little things like this for the house but I just had to try it.

When I got home I grabbed my paper cutter and set to work. I was so glad that the picture frame I had in mind was exactly what the dollar store had – white with the photo spot the exact size {ish} of the *LOVE* on the paper.

I {love} the final result {and may be tempted to buy every frame from the dollar store and stock up on great holiday papers lol}.

This craft cost me all of $1.50 – frame was $1.25 and the paper was 4 for $1.25. I loved it so much that I made one for each of my kids 9 teachers for Valentine’s Day.

AND, I’ve made an extra for one lucky winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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