0 In Personal

I’m kicking my cold

Once and for all!!!

It was nearing the end right before Christmas, but multiple late nights…not long enough sleeps, and lots of pop and other crap…landed me right back at the beginning – and worse! Thankfully – and finally – today I felt MUCH better.

A combination of the following has helped me kick this nasty cold for good:

Vicks on my chest, neck, back, nose, and feet (with socks)

Hydrogen Peroxide in my ears every hour or so

Hot Lemon/Honey Tea

Magical Healing Soup

Avoiding (mostly) Dairy and Meat (except dinner)

Face Steaming

Oregano Oil on my feet

Makeshift Neti Pot (ie Syringe with salt water) – and seriously I noticed the hugest improvement after doing this….

Buckleys – it tastes AWFUL…but it works!

All things considered…I’m finally close to totally healthy. And interestingly – yesterday (Thursday) I took a Sudafed just to see if it would help alleviate the sinus pressure…NOTHING! I’d rather stick to home remedies anyways (I consider Buckley’s pretty close because there isn’t any crap in there to make it taste good, etc.)

So here’s my list of things to do….trust me – you can kick a cold REAL fast…I also read that garlic capsules are great for sinus colds as is Apple Cider Vinegar (there are capsules sold online…not sure what stores carry them). Two things I’m going to try should I ever have this misfortune again!

I have about 20 blog posts running around my head that I need to blog…but for now I’m off to clean the kitchen and will post later!

Have a fantastic – and safe – new year!!! And thanks for hanging on for the ride!

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